May 18th is Haitian Flag Day

haiti flag day

Flag Day, May 18, 1803, commemorates the date when Haitian leaders of slave troops fighting for freedom in Haiti eliminated the white stripe from the French flag to illustrate their unity. They created a new flag from the remaining blue and red stripes, fought on, and declared independence the following New Year’s Day. The Haitian flag was sewed by Catherine Flon. 

O Time, Let Me Be A Witness!

by Jonel Juste


“If only I could turn back the hands of time” is something people generally say when it is too late. When we actually can’t do anything about the past, many of us wish we could change it for the best. Time travel is a long-cherished dream.

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Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Proves We Still Have Plenty To Learn

The mysterious Malaysia plane that disappeared on March 8 has left people from all around the world with questions. This incident proves that there remains much to learn about technology and this planet.

malaysia air moon

By Jonel Juste

The Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has officially made history by becoming the longest disappearance in modern aviation.

The Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was originally scheduled to fly from Kuala Lumpur International Airport to Beijing Capital International Airport on March 8. Within a few hours, Malaysia Airlines (MAS) reported the aircraft as missing. It was carrying 12 Malaysian crewmembers and 227 passengers from 14 nations.

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There’s something rotten in the State of Denmark


By Jonel Juste

“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark”, wrote Shakespeare in Hamlet. This quote could apply today to the press in particular and to society in general. Something is rotten in the way information is being broadcast.

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Google Glass, the New Anti-privacy Tool

By Jonel Juste

Thanks to wearable technology like Google Glass, it is now easier to spy on each other, to record people’s business without their consent and spread it all over the Internet or national TV. As would say astronaut Armstrong, that’s one small step for a man, a giant leap for spying, privacy invasion, and even pornography. Seriously, what is the point of recording everything, collecting data, pictures, videos and sounds everywhere?

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An e-cigarette is still a cigarette


By Jonel Juste

While marketers claim it is safer than tobacco cigarettes, electronic cigarette (e-cig) is being banned in some places like New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and even Miami-Dade County. Until now, there is no scientific proof to sustain that “e-smoking” is harmless.

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Is Bieber an immigrant like another one?

by Jonel Juste

The young Canadian singer made the headlines during the whole month of January for his misconduct. He did so much that a petition was signed by more than 100 000 people asking President Obama to send him back to his native land, Canada.

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A Year of New Years!


A Year of New Years!

by Jonel Juste

A new year has come. As usual, many resolutions are being taken, even the resolution of not taking any or to stop taking them. But first of all, many of you think of wishing their relatives and friends the best wishes you can think of for this New Year. Maybe some of you -like me- are worrying so much that, at the end of the first day of the year, you even checked your phone, e-mail or Facebook friends list to see who they could have forgotten.

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Jonel Juste

Jonel Juste, journaliste, poète et nouvelliste, est né à Port-au-Prince le 2 octobre 1980. Il est notamment l’auteur du recueil de poèmes : Carrefour de Nuit. Publié en France aux Editions Edilivre en 2012, Carrefour de Nuit contient à la fois des poèmes, des nouvelles, des récits et des parodies un peu à la manière du grand et populaire poète français Jacques Prévert dont Jonel Juste est un admirateur.

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