2015: The Future Is Now

“The Future is not written, it is what you make it. So make it a good one”.-Doc Brown


We are now in the future, at least according to the 1989 Zemeckis’ sci-fi movie “Back to the Future II”. Remember, 2015 is the year Marty McFly travelled in the future (our present) to keep his son from committing a crime that could compromise his future. McFly, Doc Brown and Jennifer arrived in the future precisely on October 21, 2015, flying the DeLorean time machine.

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2015: The Future Is Now

We are now in the future, at least according to the 1989 Zemeckis’ sci-fi movie “Back to the Future II”. Remember, 2015 is the year Marty McFly travelled in the future (our present) to keep his son from committing a crime that could compromise his future. McFly, Doc Brown and Jennifer arrived in the future precisely on October 21, 2015, flying the DeLorean time machine. Continue reading “2015: The Future Is Now”